
Increase Dog's Immune System With High Protein

Increase Dog's Immune System With High Protein

There’s nothing that can break a dog owner’s heart more than seeing their pet unwell. Boosting your dog’s immunity by giving the proper nutrients in food is crucial to maintaining their overall health. Protein, an ingredient that’s especially important for them, is one of the keys to making sure dogs are always healthy.

To understand why one must first have to know how protein works. Protein, when broken down, becomes amino acids. Each amino acid plays a vital role in bodily functions as it supports enzymes and antibodies. Dogs need essential 10 amino acids, with two of them linked to immune health.

Protein and amino acids also increase what is called T-cell immune function. T-cells are white blood cells that play two roles: controlling immune reactions and participating in them. This signals the body to fight off harmful cells, giving dogs a more accurate and effective immune response.

That’s why it’s important to look for dog food that is able to offer the protein requirements your dog needs to stay healthy, fit, and protected. Pedigree® Pro High Protein gives dogs as much as 50% more protein to support their immunity. Apart from that, the enriched nutrition formula also contains essential antioxidants that promote a healthy immune system. It’s available for all breeds for all life stages in an irresistible lamb & chicken flavor.

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