    Medical care

    Complete Dog Vaccination Guide With Schedule & Chart

    Vaccination Recommendation for your dog

    Dogs, like people, require vaccinations. It is your responsibility to meet all your dog's everyday needs, including frequent medical attention. This is why your dog's vaccination schedule is crucial in preventing it from a variety of deadly diseases.

    So, if your dog is due for a vaccination, follow this handy dog vaccine guide:

    Why vaccinating your dog is extremely important?

    Vaccines are used to prevent rather than cure diseases. Vaccines help strengthen a dog's immune system to guard itself against disease-causing germs. Antigens in vaccines imitate the disease-causing organisms in the immune system of dogs but do not actually cause any disease. 

    Dog vaccinations protect all types of dogs against a variety of deadly and highly contagious diseases, including parvovirus infection, canine distemper, and respiratory tract infections. It also protects your dog against diseases that are transmissible to people, such as rabies. 

    How does vaccination help to boost your dog's immunity?

    Dog vaccinations help moderately stimulate the immune system by causing it to identify the antigens. It boosts antibody production, which aids in the identification and elimination of disease-causing bacteria that enter your dog's body. It strengthens your dog's immune system and trains it to resist infections so that if they are encountered again, your dog will either not become sick or have a milder reaction.

    What are the diseases that will affect your dog's health if vaccination is not done?

    You are putting your dog in danger of catching diseases if you do not safeguard it with vaccinations. And it makes no difference whether they are indoor or outdoor pets. When you do not vaccinate dogs, the microscopic organisms infiltrate your home and attack your dogs. Since dogs lack active antibodies to fight the diseases, they would only be left to degrade.

    Rabies, canine parvovirus, hepatitis, canine distemper, canine influenza, leptospirosis, Lyme disease, and kennel cough are among diseases that dogs are susceptible to if they are not vaccinated at an early age.

    Do limit the exposure of your puppy to other puppies and dog parks until it has received all vaccinations. This is because dogs need to be isolated from infections that can be picked from other dogs. However, you can allow your pooch to meet other dogs and puppies who are healthy and fully vaccinated. Wait for at least 10 days from the final vaccinations before you take your puppy outside.

    There is some variation according to region, so do discuss a suitable vaccination program with your local veterinarian. The vaccination will involve an initial course of injections followed by booster injections at various times throughout your dog’s life.

    Why do dogs need to be re-vaccinated?

    In most fully vaccinated dogs, immunity should last well over a year or several years. But immunity deteriorates over time and the pace of deterioration varies from dog to dog. This is where re-vaccination has proven to be quite effective in protecting dogs against infectious diseases.

    As vaccines improve over time, some may no longer require frequent administration. Most dogs with low-risk lives can get the core dog vaccinations every three years and any non-core vaccines as needed (most non-core vaccines require annual boosters). Depending on your dog's needs and lifestyle, your vet will discuss the necessity for and frequency of your dog’s vaccination.

    What is the duration of immunity after vaccination?

    When you vaccinate dogs, the early phases of the immune response are activated within a few hours post-vaccination. A reasonable level of protection is usually achieved after ten to fourteen days. Killed vaccines, however, may not provide proper protection until the second dose. As a result, even vaccinated puppies should be kept away from dogs or puppies with uncertain vaccination histories until they have completed their vaccination course.

    Do follow our dog vaccination chart below: 


    Primary Dose


    Primary Dose


    Distemper3 doses, 2-3-4 months2 dose, 3-4 weeks apartAnnual

    Highly recommended for all ages


    Adenovirus – 23 doses, 2-3-4 months2 dose, 3-4 weeks apartAnnualHighly recommended for all ages
    Parainfluenza3 doses, 2-3-4 months2 dose, 3-4 weeks apartAnnualHighly recommended for all ages
    Bordetella bronchiseptica3 doses, 6-9-12 weeks2-3 doses 3 weeks apartAnnualRecommended for dog housed in Kennels, Pounds, etc.
    Parvovirus3 doses, 2-3-4 months1 doseAnnual

    Highly recommended for all ages.

    Optional dose at 5 months- to overcome maternal antibody interference

    Lyme Disease: Borrelia burgdorferi

    2 doses:  may be at 12 and 15 weeks


    2-3 doses 3 weeks apartAnnual

    Optional, has regional prevalence


    Corona VirusBegin at 6 weeks & every 3 weeks until 12 weeks of age2-3 doses, 3 weeks apartAnnual

    Optional. Incidence not known – Routine vaccination to be justified.

    MLV not available.

    Giardia8th and 11th week2 doses, 3-4 weeks apart 6 monthsOptional
    Leptospirosis8th and 11th week2 doses, 3-4 weeks apartAnnualTypically administered in combination with Distemper and ICH

    3 months of age


    1 doseAnnual

    Booster optional but beneficial, IM route (depends on local statutes).

    Some recommend first dose earlier than 3months in endemic/high exposure area

    Is it recommended to vaccinate dogs when they are sick?

    To begin with, your dog may experience an unpleasant reaction to the vaccine. However, it's possible that vaccinations given to a sick dog will not produce any immunity. As a result, you will have the false sense of security that your dog is safe when it isn't. Furthermore, your dog's immune system, which is supposed to be battling illness, could be redirected to deal with the shot. Hence, it is not recommended to vaccinate your dog when it’s sick. 

    What are the side effects of vaccinating a dog?

    Vaccine side effects in dogs are uncommon. But, if your dog has a reaction to vaccines, you may notice the following symptoms:

    • Sluggishness
    • Appetite loss
    • Fever
    • Hives and/or facial or paw swelling
    • Diarrhoea
    • Vomiting
    • Swelling or pain in the injection area
    • Seizures, troubled breathing (anaphylactic shock), collapse

    Frequently asked questions on dog vaccination

    How frequently do dogs need vaccinations?

    There are two lines of thought on providing complete vaccination to dogs every year. Some vets feel that giving older dogs too many vaccinations can be harmful to their health. Others, however, argue that it is better to vaccinate dogs yearly to protect against deadly infections like distemper. Consult your veterinarian to decide the best vaccination protocol for you and your dog.

    What is the ideal age to vaccinate dogs?

    What happens if I miss a vaccination shot for my dog?

    At what age should you stop vaccinating your dog?

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