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When it comes to medical treatment, seconds and minutes can sometimes make a big difference towards recovery. So, invest a few minutes of your time to read up on dog first aid. In case of emergencies, always contact your vet first.
First aid for a dog, as the term says, is the very first treatment given to a dog during a medical emergency. The main purpose of an emergency first aid for a dog is to reduce their pain and save their life until further help arrives, or until you reach a vet. With first aid, you also save your injured dog’s condition from advancing to any immediate threat.
In case your dog incurs a medical emergency, remember the following:
Shock is the reaction of your dog’s body to a sudden medical condition, which causes a sudden drop in blood pressure, resulting in a lack of oxygen supply to their vital organs. In simpler terms, it is when your dog’s blood circulation level suddenly drops. It can be caused by trauma, loss of blood, allergic reactions (which can happen due to certain foods or insect bites), neurogenic shock, choking, vomiting and diarrhoea, or heart failure. Regardless of the cause, it is important to note that a shock can be fatal. So, as soon as you notice signs of shock in your dog, take them to a veterinarian immediately.
Here are some of the early signs of shock that you should look out for in a dog:
And some of the signs from a later stage of shock in a dog can be:
In case your dog shows any or multiple signs of shock, immediately contact your vet and let them know of the situation. And until you reach the vet or until the medical help arrives, take the following steps:
If your dog often experiences seizures, it is due to the sudden uncontrolled electrical disturbances in their brain. During seizures, you’ll find symptoms like your dog running around in circles, uncontrollably shaking, twitching, drooling, biting, urinating or excreting uncontrollably, or falling unconscious. They may also become unaware of their surroundings and seem dazed, confused, or unsteady. Episodes of seizures in dogs can last from a few seconds to several minutes. Causes of seizures in dogs include:
If your dog is experiencing seizures, it is okay to feel concerned. But remember to stay calm. Only if you stay calm, can you provide the proper aid to your dog and save them from incurring any physical injury during the episode. Follow these steps, if and when your dog experiences seizures:
Car accident, animal fight, fall, clotting, severe wound.
Arterial bleeding is a life-threatening situation. Arterial blood is bright red, bleeds in spurts, is difficult to stop, and requires immediate veterinary attention.
For any type of external bleeding, place a clean cloth or sterile gauze over the injured area. Apply direct pressure for at least 5–7 minutes. Take your dog to a vet immediately.
Poisoning, abdominal injury, motion sickness, disease, overeating, fear, brain injury, parasites.
Examine vomit for blood or other clues and take a sample to your vet for an evaluation. Bring a sample of the suspected poison (preferably in its original packaging) to the vet. Do not offer any food or water until a vet. Read more about vomiting in dogs
Excessive heat and/or lack of shade, heavy exertion, lack of water (Note: Heat tolerance may differ for different dogs).
Take your dog to a cool, shaded area. Immediately bathe with tepid (not cold) water. Do not leave your pet unattended and monitor the rectal temperature. Dry your pooch when the temperature drops to 103°F. Excessive cooling down may be harmful. Take your pet to a vet immediately if the temperature is 104° F or above.
Broken limb or toe, arthritis, injury to footpad, dislocation, sprain, muscle soreness or a burr between its toes.
If you suspect a fracture, gently stabilize the limb before you transport the dog to the vet. Cover any wounds with a clean cloth.
For bee stings, apply a paste of baking soda and water. For wasp stings, apply vinegar or lemon juice. Also apply a cold pack and follow up with calamine or antihistamine cream. Severe swelling or breathing requires immediate medical attention.
Foreign objects lodged in its throat, windpipe or teeth, or an allergic reaction.
Gently and carefully pull the dog's tongue forward and inspect its mouth and throat. Make sure he doesn't try to bite you. Stop if he is not cooperative. If you see a foreign object, hold the mouth open and attempt to remove it by hand, or with tweezers or small pliers. Take care not to push the object farther down the throat. Stop if the dog is not cooperative and immediately take him to a vet. If he’s not breathing, start CPR.
Drowning, electrocution, trauma, drug ingestion.
In case of drowning, remove fluid from the dog's lungs by lifting the hindquarters high over its head and squeezing its chest firmly until fluid stops coming out. In case of an electrical shock, DO NOT touch pet until it is no longer in contact with the electrical source. If an object is blocking the dog's windpipe, it will need to be gently removed. See 'Choking' above. Take the dog to a vet as soon as possible.
If he is not breathing and has no heartbeat, start CPR.
If possible, have someone transport you and your dog to a vet while you perform the CPR procedure described below. Lay the dog on its side and remove any objects from the windpipe; open its mouth, pull the tongue forward, extend its neck, and sweep the mouth with your finger. Be careful and make sure your dog won't try to bite you. If the windpipe and mouth are clear, extend the neck, hold the tongue out of its mouth, and close the dog's jaws over the tongue. Holding its jaws closed, breathe into both nostrils for 5 to 6 breaths. If there is no response, continue artificial breathing.
Don't try to comfort an injured dog by hugging it, and never put your face near its head. If necessary, muzzle the dog with gauze, soft towel strips, or stockings. Don't attempt to lift or drag a large, injured dog. Instead, improvise a stretcher with a board, throw rug, blanket, child's toboggan, etc. Before transport, try to stabilize injuries. Rolled magazines or newspapers can serve as splints. Pad the limb and splint generously with rolled cotton and gauze, or improvise with pillows, strips of blanket, towels, etc.
Firstly, stay calm, and try to keep your dog calm too. If they have an open wound, clean it with fresh, warm water, and cover it with a clean damp cloth. If they are losing a lot of blood, apply pressure to the wound. Unless they have a heat stroke, cover them with a blanket, and restrict their movement. Safely put them in a dog carrier or a stretcher and take them to a vet immediately.
The following items are essential in a first aid kit for dogs:
If your dog is seriously injured, they will show one or more of the following signs:
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